Thursday, January 22, 2009


Theory of the day:

Never respect a person who do not know how to respect you.



Florence said...

erm.. 50% sometimes we nid to 体谅d ppl..let them 悔改..but i think tis will seldom

Unknown said...

Not as simple as that, I'm afraid.

For me personally, we should always have and show at least some degree of respect towards everyone. Even if we do not respect their actions or words, we should at least respect them as individuals. But that doesn't mean letting them take advantage of you either.

Joanne said...

Yea..i sort of agree with your statement. But then, if they cross their line, there's no room to respect anymore.

Ju Enn:
People always take advantage towards those who are weaker than them. That's why ppl pay less respect to the children and girls. Kinda sad right?

Heart86 said...

I agree wit florence said.. i in this situition.. my ex- boss was a hot temperate person.. im work at cafe last time.. reali all ppl not okay wit this boss.. at a small matter.. he finally fired me that time... i reali duno wats wrong wit this.. sudden lost my job before my christmas.. but now... he changed alot.. he respect all workers.. he will do a part of job also.. many times he also clean up cafe.. totally say last time wont lo... now gv him a clap lo! haha

Joanne said...

Well...that's definately a good news for your boss~!It's good to hear that he've changed. Not many ppl can really realize their mistake and change...